Design and training

The starting point of the design is that you define the need and we think about how to catch your customer quickly and comprehensively, and we think about what to say to them. We format your message and run it regardless of the channel in any format.

With planning, you achieve savings in marketing costs. When your marketing is planned, we can also more easily measure whether it is developing in the desired direction. As your partner, we always take care of three things: consistency, i.e. that the advertising matches your brand in all channels, relevance, i.e. that the advertising touches your customer, and continuity, i.e. that your message goes through in the desired channel and reaches your customer.

We organize a wide variety of digital marketing and social media trainings and workshops for companies. Workshops and trainings are always tailored to the wishes and needs of the company.

Creating a merchandising strategy opens up a whole new revenue stream for many operators, which increases overall sales without threatening the existing business. Our goal is to monetize your online services in a fair, transparent and reliable way.

Read more about our services related to planning and training