Strategic planning

Marketing strategy planning is as important as the overall company strategy. It is the basis for the implementation of your marketing and it steers the activity in a controlled manner in the right direction.

Planning a marketing strategy starts with defining the business goals, after which we start building a marketing strategy in accordance with these goals. The actual strategic planning covers, among other things, the definition of target groups, goals and measures. 

The purpose of the strategy is to determine the general direction for the activity, not so much to take a position on the details. Marketing’s strategic planning means thoroughly thinking about the core issues and writing them down in a concise and organized presentation.

It is part of Star Media’s ideology that the strategy does not remain just top-level cotton candy, nor should it remain just a fancy presentation in the email. 

At Star Media, we invest in implementing strategy and planning practical measures. The strategy work must be done with the necessary depth, but as soon as possible we want to move on to the planned measures ourselves. Practical measures and the results they bring guide you in the right direction towards the set goals.

Typical marketing strategy content

  1. Purpose of existence and values
  2. ​​Strategic goals
  3. Positioning
  4. Competitors
  5. Market field
  6. Competitive advantage, customer promise and customer experience
  7. Strategic customer groups and buyer personas
  8. Core messages
  9. Practical measures of marketing

Marketing strategy planning proceeds like this

STEP 1. Analysis of the current situation

Where are we now? e.g. customers, competitors, partners, company strengths and weaknesses, current marketing level and results, market trends, etc.

STEP 2. Goals

Where do we want to go?

STEP 3. Plan

How can we reach our goal?
Target market – To whom the product/service will be marketed.
Position – How do you want the market to perceive your company, and how do you stand out from others.

STEP 4. Tactics and measures

Details of strategy and tactics. The tools and channels to be used to implement the strategy are determined

STEP 5. Measuring

Instrument panel and analysis of results

STEP 6. Required resources

Human resources, financial budget and time

In practice, we want to hear your wishes, needs and possible challenges, so we can offer a strategic planning package that is just right for you.